The Center for Socio-Political Data (CDSP) from Sciences Po coordinates the panel .
The CDSP is in charge of the production process of the surveys, namely the organisation and the follow-up of calls for proposals, the organisation of the technical and scientific board activities, the preparation of the surveys together with the research teams, the programming of the questionnaires, the panel management activities, the documentation and dissemination of data. The CDSP also manages the IT aspects of the project, mainly the development of the tools and the host of the servers. As coordinator, the CDSP is responsible for the progress reports to the French National Research Agency (ANR), for the budget management and for the out-sourcing contracts (with survey agencies and the telephone company).
The CDSP is also in charge of monitoring of the statistical quality (attrition, weights, etc.) of the ELIPSS data, initially managed by INED.
Members of the operational team (2019):
• Coordination: Emmanuelle Duwez
They also provided these functions: Anne Cornilleau and Anne-Sophie Cousteaux
• Partnership and Panel Refreshment: Malick Nam
• Panelist management and follow-up: Charlotte Montcharmont and Elodie Pétorin
They also contributed to these activities: Gabrielle Bouchet, Kevin Boudelle, Carmen Calandra and Patricia Sossa
• Statistical quality of the panel: Thomas Pilorin
They also contributed to these activities: Stéphane Legleye (resp.) and Nirintsoa Razakamana
• Survey design and data production: Emmanuelle Duwez, Mathieu Olivier and Jean-Baptiste Portelli
He also contributed to these activities: Djery Sow
• Documentation and dissemination of data: Valentin Brunel, Alina Danciu and Alexandre Mairot
The ELIPSS project was built and supported by the CDSP's IT resources. Over time, the following people contributed to these activities: Alexandre Aazzouz, Quentin Agren, Alexandre Chevallier, Simon Dellac, Adrien Ferreira, Daniele Guido, Anthony Jacques, Geneviève Michaud (resp.), Romain Mougin, Raphaël Paoloni, Jérémy Richard, Baptiste Rouxel and Adam Schaal.
In addition, the ELIPSS project benefited from the occasional participation of Bernard de Clédat and Patricia Thauvin from the INED's survey department, particularly concerning the recoding of socio-professional categories.